You're finally here!

Today, pause and think for a while before passing judgement on someone. You know their name, not their story.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


This so-called life is just too... UNPREDICTABLE.

I have read all kinds of news on Teenagers. I've read way too much. And one of the hottest topic is always about teenager getting pregnant at a young tender age, isn't it? But news is news, they don't really bother me. But yes, I was bothered now. Tonight I was so utterly shocked when I heard that one of my friends was going to get married next month. I was like WTF?!?! Hell yea it is a real what-the-fuck. Who would have thought that this freaking pre-marriage pregnancy could happen to a friend of mine. 

Teenage is the best, the most awesome and wonderful time of our life. We should have fun, right? But quite a number of us go beyond the line, without thinking of the consequences of their immature actions. 

Admist the mixed up emotions, the only thing that I feel relieved is that the father of the baby is taking the responsibilty to my friend and her baby. What's done is done. Since we can't change the past, all we can do is to embrace it and move on. LIFE GOES ON. 

I sincerely wish you the best of luck in your marriage and future, my friend. All the best in everything! No matter what future holds and what happens next, we don't have a frigging idea and we can't control it. At all times, remember, you must SMILE! :) 你还是要幸福 okay :) There's still a long way ahead. Jiayou :)

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