You're finally here!

Today, pause and think for a while before passing judgement on someone. You know their name, not their story.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


首先我要声明我每次用英文写blog 不是要炫耀还是什么的 只是因为有人看了我的华文post后跟我说 诶 你的华文真的很烂叻 还是用英文写比较好啦! 是有点hurt咯= = 阿不过我真的每次用华文写都会词穷叻!然后要想很久才有恰当的词汇出现在脑海了= = 可是我有时心血来潮要用华文写 你们就忍着看呗 哈哈哈哈哈

现在是怎样 明天考试考6课只读了一课 还跑去开电脑!?
唉  实在抵挡不了fb的魅力 中毒太深= = 每天至少要开一次 我跟朋友说过 如果我有一天没有上fb 你记得打电话给我家人跟他们说我被绑架了 XD

Bullshit完毕 ok 来进入正题

Storytime开始~~ 我本来开fb聊天聊到很开心 然后突然有个不重视我的人post一个东西在某个group里 当时有一股冲动要leave group 不懂做莫 可能因为这个人太不重视我了 我一直都很重视他 现在突然看到他的名字我很不爽 不明的不爽. 其实我们一直以来都蛮好的 只是近两三个月来疏远了好多好多... 每次回家叫他出来喝茶他都有多多借口 不然就是不回信息 可是你看他跟异性出去又100次100次没有问题哦 所以答案很明显了咯 而且这个人做事超明显的= = 他珍惜你这个朋友就会一直跟你保持联络 不珍惜的他理你都懒惰理 广东人说"choi lei dou so"  然后他每次会主动去约其他兄弟们喝茶 可是就是不会约我 这点我也看开了 他不把我当兄弟. 现在这个人在筹备一个东西 根本我就不可以去嘛 不过他也没有考量到我 也算了吧. 我没有想去的意思 真的 没有在骗你们 大家都疏远了 一起去XX会有不小的尴尬吧. 昔日大家一起玩在一块儿的画面已不可能再度重现 因为现在大家之间都有着一道无形的隔阂 这道隔阂 很深 很深.

那天去喝茶 无意发现大家有的共同话题越来越少 以往充满默契的哈哈大笑早已变成敷衍出来的陪笑 "呵呵呵" 那么的不真诚.是地理位置的关系吗? 现在大家都好像分派了似的 KL那边一派  居銮自己一派  然后JB和SG又联盟组成另一派 现在大家回居銮都是跟派回了.大叹. 当初毕业前说好的什么保持联络 什么永远的兄弟 什么BFF 为什么通通通通都化为了乌有? 为什么你们不能实现你们的承诺? 我一直以来都很努力的在与你们保持联系 爽不爽就fb pop你一下 或是丢一些link过去 阿不然你要我怎么开话题啊?要找个话题根本就是超难好不好 你们每次回除了lol还是lol 然后聊了几句就没有再回复了 不懂你们真的是如此忙碌还是什么 可是 你们有没有想过难道我就不忙吗? 我也是在外读书的好不好 你有assignment我也有 你有presentation我也有啊 你有test我的也不少你

有些问题我们心里已有了答案 就不要去问吧 当别人亲口告诉你那答案时 你未必能接受.
When someone means to you, you will find time for them. No matter how busy you are.

不过我也不怪他啦 谁可以给我怪? 自己人缘差 自己没有能力让别人记得你
我很怕有那么一天 所有人都忘记我


我现在最不想失去的是我的好兄弟David 现在也只有这么一个兄弟可以谈心事了 其他的聊了几句就没话题. 唉 可悲啊黄楷聪 真的可悲. 谁叫你form5的时候搞自闭 不要去mix人 整天就坐在课室里面赶功课 可是又不见得你功课做得很快哦= = 现在你真的是什么都没有了咯 SPM考什么烂成绩出来 现在兄弟也只有那么一个 真的是loser.

本来想要明年去KL读书的 可是我最好的bro在新加坡 现在人在JB 爽不爽就过去新加坡找他 反正拿了护照和两件衣就可以走了 搭个巴士15分钟就到关卡 真的是太方便了
可是 去了KL 一定很少回来 车程不短啊 再说车票也很贵= = 哪里像jb 回家才1个小时多 车票也不过10块罢了 除了距离之外 我这个兄弟明天可能去当兵了 一当就是两年 当兵期间只能拜五晚上出来 礼拜早上又进回去兵营 根本没有时间回居銮 如果我在这两年内还去KL 那我岂不是肯定会跟他失去联络? 如果我在JB的话 周末还可以去找他 或者他过来JB 正如我刚所说的 反正近近罢了嘛 哈哈哈

那天他回去居銮我留在JB 然后他在居銮跟我说 "诶 你没有回来我很无聊叻 要喝茶都没有人陪. 下次你没有回我也不要回了" 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 虽然是有听起来那么一点点gay的话 可是真的很窝心 原来这兄珍惜我 第一次有人跟我说没有我很显 原来不是所有人都不care我的 哈哈哈哈哈 爽啊~~~~XD

可是 但是 可是
难道我为了不要失去这个兄弟就不要去KL不要出国读书?? 永远留在JB??
我知道 我都知道
毕竟我活了18年来 他真的是我最珍惜的兄弟 最可以敞开心胸 无所不谈的兄弟
唉 看老天怎么安排吧. 有缘的话我们的兄弟情不会败给距离.

可能你们会觉得这篇有点gay 哈哈哈
可是我真的不是gay 只是表达能力太差才会造成你们有这种想法= =
我是喜欢女人的! 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

Haizz 最近不懂做莫很emo. 尤其是每次在考试周都会emo!
是诅咒吗= = emo了就会丢掉书本跑来写blog发泄
这是我的地盘 不爽就别看啊(超拽) 哈哈哈哈

关电脑去温书了 再不读明天就等死了!!
Good night, world.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Drifting apart.

Have been thinking a lot recently. Reminiscing those old times in high school has become part of my daily life.

"It is not hard to watch people change. The hardest part is to remember who they used to be."

Sadness. Cause' I'm drifting apart from some of my friends now. I hate this feeling :(

Time flies. People change. Colors fade. 
But memories don't.

Guess what! I found this pic which matches my blog so well! :D
Never compare yourself with others.
 You are who you are. Live your life out loud! :D

It is a great accomplishment to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else. BE YOU. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ah, you don't care.

I hate how ironic things can be.

Sometimes the people you care about the most don't give a fuck about you. And the people you never wish for their attention are the ones who really care about you.

Why must I start the conversation every single time? Because I'm afraid of the drifting. That's the reason why I keep trying to talk to you. But you make me feel like you don't need me. And I'm always your second option. No, not second. Maybe third, forth, or fifth. Or last.

Maybe that's what people who care too much get in return. Sometimes you have to let yourself not to care so much so that you can feel better.

I have feelings, okay? Just because I don't show it doesn't mean I don't. I do feel unwanted at times.

From now on, if you don't talk to me so neither will me. Friendship needs commitment from both parties, not just one.

In life, we never lose friends. We only learn who the TRUE ones are.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Strangers → Acquaintance → Friends → Best friends → Lovers → Strangers

That’s how it goes, isn’t it?

I know where we are now. I do. And I would never cross that line and I hope you would do the same. I’d appreciate that.

Trust me, 
being friends is better than being lovers.

Let's not cross that line.

你的世界没有我 也许更辽阔

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Have you ever heard a story of a man who bought over a loss-making airline company which had US$11 million(RM40 million) worth of debts, for 26 US cents (1MYR), and magically broke even in one year, and subsequently turned this piece of shit into a highly successful budget airline public-listed company? If you haven’t heard of this man, you should probably update yourself now. He is TONY FERNANDES!!  The Group Chief Executive Officer of AirAsia!

Here's a picture of this legend!

Little did I know that he is actually an Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) graduate and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales(ICAEW) until one of my lecturers told me this little fact today. “WOW, THIS GUY IS AMAZINGLY SUPERB.” was my very first reaction.

Can you imagine a man who has no financial assistance bought a badly indebted company to chase his dream? SUCH COURAGE. And the WOW thing is that he can clear off the $11 million debts and break even in a year’s time. I have no freaking idea on how he did that but he did.
Now he is the 15th richest Malaysian with a weath of RM1.77 billion. Andddddd he is ranked FIRST in the list of The Most Admired Corporate Leaders in Malaysia.

After knowing that he is an ACCA graduate, he is now my new motivation :P 

Sometimes I do feel like giving up, but I always remember why I choose this path in the first place. 
Let's keep fighting! :)

Monday, July 9, 2012

想念 ,总是那么的突然。



空手來到世界上 空手回歸原來的地方

借用下蛤微倪小姐 哈哈哈

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hello July.

Shit. My two-weeks semester break just past in a blink of an eye.

It's 2nd July tomorrow! Indicating that new semester begins and five new subjects await me. Advanced financial accounting, Advanced management accounting, Foundations in Audit, Foundations in Taxation, and Foundations in Financial Management. Five brand new challenges! @@" and I have not forgotten how despaired and depressed I was when I came out from the exam hall after the FAB accountant in business paper last month. Passing the paper or not still remains as a question now. I dare not even think about it. All I can do now, is to pay full attention in class from now on and handle the new subjects well. And if I fail FAB, I'm prepared to resit it again. I don't care if they laugh at my stupidity for failing the first paper of ACCA. I'm ready to face the consequences of not giving my best effort in FAB.

Don't give up. Even the slightest glimpse of hope.

New sememster. New challenges. 
New attitude. New me.

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